Producción gráfica mixta sobre el impacto tecnológico para sensibilizar al público en el cuidado del medio ambiente
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Universidad Nacional de Arte Diego Quispe Tito del Cusco
La investigación está basada en describir aspectos de la tecnología adversa y de cómo esta produce un impacto negativo a nivel social y ambiental en nuestro contexto actual debido a que muchas de estas nuevas tecnologías cuentan con más implicancias negativas encubiertas que moldean y generan diversos tipos de dependencia en nosotros, así como diversos proyectos de urbanización actuales que no consideran retribuir o
cuidar el medio ambiente, basado en la producción de grabados en técnica mixta, con el objetivo principal de la investigación de producir grabados en técnica mixta sobre el impacto tecnológico en el medio ambiente de la zona de Larapa, para concientizar a la población sobre su importancia y el uso responsable de la tecnología, a través de una exposición en la galería Mariano Fuentes Lira; ubicada en la calle Márquez del Cusco, en el desarrollo de esta investigación la metodología usada fue el método de la observación, el análisis introspectivo y el método de la introspección, la estadística utilizada fue descriptiva a través de la cual se llegó a la conclusión que existe un impacto tecnológico en la zona da Larapa Cusco, que modifica y altera el medioambiente.
This research is based on describing aspects of adverse technology and how it produces a negative impact on a social and environmental level in our current context. Many of these new technologies have hidden negative implications that shape and generate many types of dependency in us. Additionally, various current urbanization projects don't consider environmental retribution or care, based on the production of mixed technique engravings. So, the main objective of the research is to produce mixed technique engravings about the technological impact on the environment in the Larapa area, in order to raise awareness among the population about its importance and the responsible use of technology. This will be achieved through an exhibition at the Mariano Fuentes Lira Gallery, located on Márquez Street in Cusco. In the development of this research, the methodology used was the method of observation, introspective analysis, and introspection. Descriptive statistics were used, leading to the conclusion that there is a technological impact in the Larapa areaof Cusco that modifies and alters the environment.
This research is based on describing aspects of adverse technology and how it produces a negative impact on a social and environmental level in our current context. Many of these new technologies have hidden negative implications that shape and generate many types of dependency in us. Additionally, various current urbanization projects don't consider environmental retribution or care, based on the production of mixed technique engravings. So, the main objective of the research is to produce mixed technique engravings about the technological impact on the environment in the Larapa area, in order to raise awareness among the population about its importance and the responsible use of technology. This will be achieved through an exhibition at the Mariano Fuentes Lira Gallery, located on Márquez Street in Cusco. In the development of this research, the methodology used was the method of observation, introspective analysis, and introspection. Descriptive statistics were used, leading to the conclusion that there is a technological impact in the Larapa areaof Cusco that modifies and alters the environment.
Investigación artística, Grabado, Grabado mixto, Impacto tecnológico, Medio ambiente, Artistic research, Engraving, Mixed technique engraving, Technological impact