Elaboración de esculturas con material reciclable para la enseñanza -aprendizaje del área curricular de Arte y Cultura del 4to. grado de secundaria de la Institución Educativa “Comercio 41” del Cusco
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Universidad Nacional de Arte Diego Quispe Tito del Cusco
Se observó que los estudiantes no utilizan los materiales reciclables como: tecnopor, papeles, botellas y recipientes de plástico, cajas de cartón, minas de lapiceros, etc. para elaborar esculturas (expresiones volumétricas). No tenían conocimiento de cómo abordar el espacio visual desde la creación de las formas con volumen que se aprecian en ese espacio. Para que el estudiante cambie estas conductas educativas comunes, se vio la necesidad de enseñar las técnicas que ayuden al estudiante a crear objetos estéticos. Se utilizaron los métodos aditivos y sustractivos de la escultura extraído del blog La nube artística de José María Reyes. Se aplicaron estos métodos para la enseñanza - aprendizaje y la creación de expresiones volumétricas con material reciclable, se usó el método descriptivo e interpretativo para el análisis formal de los productos estéticos generados durante el proceso enseñanza – aprendizaje y los hechos ocurridos. Se realizó un análisis semiótico de los objetos estéticos producidos para decodificar lo observado e interpretado en el mensaje, más un análisis estético de este producto. El propósito fue motivar a los estudiantes mediante la expresión artístico - plástica generando así una comunicación, demostrando nuevas formas de expresión. El trabajo de investigación ayudó en el desarrollo de su motricidad, favoreciendo sus percepciones táctiles, de manipular materiales y herramientas; potencializar su imaginación y originalidad para ser creativos.
It was observed that students do not use recycled materials such as: technopor, papers, plastic bottles and containers, cardboard boxes, pencil mines, etc. to make sculptures (volumetric artistic expressions). They had no knowledge of how to approach the visual space since the creation of the shapes with volume that are appreciated in that space. In order for the student to change these common educational behaviors, it was seen the need to teach techniques that helps the student to create aesthetic objects, as a method the additive and subtractive methods of the sculpture were used, extracted from the blog The artistic cloud of José María Reyes, these methods were used for teaching - learning and the creation of sculptures (volumetric artistic expressions) with recycled material, the descriptive and interpretive method was used for the formal analysis of the aesthetic products generated during the teaching - learning process, and the events that occurred. A semiotic analysis of the aesthetic objects produced was carried out to decode what was observed and interpreted in the message, and an aesthetic analysis of this product. The purpose was to motivate the students through plastic artistic expression, thus generating a communication of the students demonstrating new forms of expression, in addition to the fact that the research work helped in the development of their motor skills, favoring their tactile perceptions, manipulating materials and tools, empower your imagination and originality to be creative.
It was observed that students do not use recycled materials such as: technopor, papers, plastic bottles and containers, cardboard boxes, pencil mines, etc. to make sculptures (volumetric artistic expressions). They had no knowledge of how to approach the visual space since the creation of the shapes with volume that are appreciated in that space. In order for the student to change these common educational behaviors, it was seen the need to teach techniques that helps the student to create aesthetic objects, as a method the additive and subtractive methods of the sculpture were used, extracted from the blog The artistic cloud of José María Reyes, these methods were used for teaching - learning and the creation of sculptures (volumetric artistic expressions) with recycled material, the descriptive and interpretive method was used for the formal analysis of the aesthetic products generated during the teaching - learning process, and the events that occurred. A semiotic analysis of the aesthetic objects produced was carried out to decode what was observed and interpreted in the message, and an aesthetic analysis of this product. The purpose was to motivate the students through plastic artistic expression, thus generating a communication of the students demonstrating new forms of expression, in addition to the fact that the research work helped in the development of their motor skills, favoring their tactile perceptions, manipulating materials and tools, empower your imagination and originality to be creative.
Materiales reciclables, Técnica, Escultura, Aprendizaje, Enseñanza, Descriptivo e interpretativo, Recycled materials, Technique, Sculpture, Learning, Teaching, Descriptive and interpretive