Producción artística bidimensional utilizando como fuente visual la representación iconográfica mariana
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Universidad Nacional de Arte Diego Quispe Tito del Cusco
En el presente trabajo se conceptuó, analizó y produjo arte bidimensional en el marco de la contemporaneidad, en ese entender se usó como fuente visual primaria a la representación iconográfica mariana. El objetivo general fue efectuar una investigación de arte visual, basada en el uso como fuente visual de la representación iconográfica mariana, para realizar obras artísticas visuales bidimensionales, cuyos resultados revelan su no convencionalidad. La ciudad de Cusco acoge a una significativa cantidad de artistas, que se desenvuelven en un escenario, que muestra al turismo como consumidor de su producto artístico, este hecho motivo un estudio exhaustivo sobre las posibilidades estéticas que brinda la contemporaneidad y su compromiso con la época a partir del uso de una iconografía reconocible por un gran número de pobladores de nuestro planeta. A causa de la pandemia que genero el COVID 19, la exposición de obras artísticas se realizó vía virtual con el apoyo de la plataforma virtual de la Universidad Nacional Diego Quispe Tito. La metodología que se usó en esta investigación fue la segmentación de la obra, bajo el soporte del conocimiento estético, que permitió categorizar sus elementos, su enfoque es cualitativo, y el tipo fue descriptivo, experimental e interpretativo, mientras que su diseño fue el de procesos creativos por expresión. Esta investigación evidencia que para realizar una investigación de arte visual, que se traduzca en obras artísticas visuales bidimensionales, que se basen y utilicen como fuente visual a la Representación Iconográfica Mariana, es necesario que se asuma un compromiso social de orden estético que incida en las creencias religiosas, y que muestre como el transcurso del tiempo reconfigura un tipo de representación sacra, que la contemporaneidad, la construcción y el manejo del imaginario personal contribuyen a que se plasme en producciones artísticas, que cuando se muestran al público, generan un tipo de pensamiento, acorde a la formación de cada individuo que entra en contacto con lo producido.
In the present work, two-dimensional art was conceived, analyzed and produced within the framework of contemporaneity. In this understanding, Marian iconographic representation was used as the primary visual source. The general objective was to carry out a visual art research, based on the use as a visual source of Marian iconographic representation, to perform two-dimensional visual artistic works, the results of which reveal its unconventionality. The city of Cusco hosts a significant number of artists, who perform on a stage, which shows tourism as a consumer of their artistic product, this fact led to a comprehensive study on the aesthetic possibilities offered by the contemporary and its commitment to the time from the use of an iconography recognizable by a large number of people on our planet. Due to the pandemic generated by the COVID 19, the exhibition of artistic works was carried out virtually with the support of the virtual platform of the Universidad Nacional Diego Quispe Tito. The methodology used in this research was the segmentation of the work, under the support of aesthetic knowledge, which allowed to categorize its elements, its approach is qualitative, and the type was descriptive, experimental and interpretive, while its design was that of creative processes by expression. This research shows that to carry out visual art research, which is translated into two-dimensional visual artistic works, based and used as a visual source to the Mariana Iconographic Representation, it is necessary to assume a social commitment of aesthetic order that influences religious beliefs, and that shows how the course of time reconfigures a type of sacred representation , that the contemporaneity, construction and management of the personal imaginary contribute to the presentation of artistic productions, which when shown to the public, generate a type of thinking, according to the formation of each individual that comes into contact with what is produced.
In the present work, two-dimensional art was conceived, analyzed and produced within the framework of contemporaneity. In this understanding, Marian iconographic representation was used as the primary visual source. The general objective was to carry out a visual art research, based on the use as a visual source of Marian iconographic representation, to perform two-dimensional visual artistic works, the results of which reveal its unconventionality. The city of Cusco hosts a significant number of artists, who perform on a stage, which shows tourism as a consumer of their artistic product, this fact led to a comprehensive study on the aesthetic possibilities offered by the contemporary and its commitment to the time from the use of an iconography recognizable by a large number of people on our planet. Due to the pandemic generated by the COVID 19, the exhibition of artistic works was carried out virtually with the support of the virtual platform of the Universidad Nacional Diego Quispe Tito. The methodology used in this research was the segmentation of the work, under the support of aesthetic knowledge, which allowed to categorize its elements, its approach is qualitative, and the type was descriptive, experimental and interpretive, while its design was that of creative processes by expression. This research shows that to carry out visual art research, which is translated into two-dimensional visual artistic works, based and used as a visual source to the Mariana Iconographic Representation, it is necessary to assume a social commitment of aesthetic order that influences religious beliefs, and that shows how the course of time reconfigures a type of sacred representation , that the contemporaneity, construction and management of the personal imaginary contribute to the presentation of artistic productions, which when shown to the public, generate a type of thinking, according to the formation of each individual that comes into contact with what is produced.
Iconografía mariana, Arte contemporáneo, Fuente visual, Obra artística, Marian iconography, Contemporary art, Visual source, Artistic work