Interpretación estética del género bodegón contemporáneo a traves de las 11 leyes de mezclas del color de Harald Kueppers.
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Universidad Nacional de Arte Diego Quispe Tito del Cusco
El investigador propone y describe el conocimiento de once leyes básicas de la teoría del color que constituye inexcusablemente parte integrante de la cultura general ya que aproximadamente el 80% de todas las informaciones que recibe el cerebro son, por regla general, de naturaleza óptica, estas mezclas están relacionadas con materiales opacos y translucidos y por la posibilidad de crear valores acromáticos a través de los colores fundamentales cromáticos y acromáticos, para lo cual se tomará en cuenta el género bodegón o naturaleza muerta contemporánea para generar diferentes sensaciones ópticas debido a que esta proporciona una variedad de temas convergentes y divergentes. Se utiliza un método iconográfico, iconológico para la interpretación de las obras. Analiza las imágenes desde la cromatología y la estética, que se resume en un discurso crítico. Analiza también el conjunto de las obras a través de la descripción e interpretación de distintas categorías así como la relación entre éstas.
The researcher proposes and describes the knowledge of eleven basic laws of the theory of color that constitutes inexcusably an integral part of the general culture since approximately 80% of all the information that the brain receives are, as a rule, of an optical nature, these mixtures are related to opaque and translucent materials and for the possibility of creating achromatic values through the fundamental chromatic and achromatic colors, for which the still life genre or contemporary still life will be taken into account to generate different optical sensations because it provides a variety of convergent and divergent themes. An iconographic, iconological method is used for the interpretation of the works. Analyze the images from chromatology and aesthetics, which is summarized in a critical discourse. It also analyzes all the works through the description and interpretation of different categories as well as the relationship between them.
The researcher proposes and describes the knowledge of eleven basic laws of the theory of color that constitutes inexcusably an integral part of the general culture since approximately 80% of all the information that the brain receives are, as a rule, of an optical nature, these mixtures are related to opaque and translucent materials and for the possibility of creating achromatic values through the fundamental chromatic and achromatic colors, for which the still life genre or contemporary still life will be taken into account to generate different optical sensations because it provides a variety of convergent and divergent themes. An iconographic, iconological method is used for the interpretation of the works. Analyze the images from chromatology and aesthetics, which is summarized in a critical discourse. It also analyzes all the works through the description and interpretation of different categories as well as the relationship between them.
Tesis, Educación artística, Investigación, Leyes de color, Bodegón, Thesis, Artistic education, Research, Color laws, Still life